I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Sandra Davis, and my family name is Price.
I ‘m blessed and proud to have been born in Fredericton, New Brunswick; a truly beautiful city. When I was just a child, my family moved to Toronto, Ontario; and it is here where I was raised and received my education.
As professional careers go, mine has been long and diverse. Work for the Federal and Provincial government was distinguished by a continuous association over two decades with Centennial College. First as Director of Student Entrance Testing and Evaluation and ending as Director of the Wellness Centre.
A determination to integrate my skills and expand my knowledge led to further courses of study, and the experience of living and working throughout Canada & the United States. During the tenure of my Management Company in Florida, I observed a noticeable shift in my perception of business; and its expression in the world.
On my return to Canada, I chose to navigate my life differently. By following a new internal compass I was motivated to settle in Vancouver, British Columbia. This one decision to alter my course, opened me to the world of Native Practitioners and traditional psychologists. Gifts of spiritual teachings and traditional Sweat lodges became my church….
Equipped with a revised knowledge of the world through the ways of the Medicine Wheel, I followed my guidance to return, yet again, to Toronto, Ontario. Here I founded and administered “The Womans’ Lodge, a Pathway to Healing for all” in Toronto’s beaches.
Through my business acumen, I developed and honed the skills and diversity evidenced in all aspects of my life. As a Reiki Master and Spiritual Counsellor with an international clientele, I now reside with my husband Rick, in our log home in rural New Brunswick. We currently share 8 acres of land with our chickens Grace & Frankie, rooster Rowdy Yates, and a barn cat named Cleopatra! Blessed to be the Mother of two fine Sons, a beautiful Daughter, and Seven amazing Grandchildren! In gratitude and thanksgiving, I continue to offer counselling services and pursue my lifelong love of writing.