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Once Upon A Teapot…

PUT THE KETTLE ON…These are my stories and I’m sipping them!

Tea has always represented calm comfort for me personally. I find my calm in the power of a cup of tea. Just a sip of this “elixir from the gods” and I am transported…each time a different place, but always in the best of company. Friends and Angels; it seems almost silly to even write these words in a separate context? Interesting how the distinction between old and new relationships dissolve in the company of a teapot!

This is the kind of power that heals; the body, mind, and spirit, through its capacity to eliminate all imposed boundaries…real and imagined.

And then, there is the immensity of comfort that tea provides. Every experience is enhanced. The beauty of a landscape through a picture window or on canvas! Sipping an herbal tea, meditatively…in an aromatherapy bath or cocooned snuggly under your favourite blanket, in front of a crackling fire; a good book and a piping hot cup of tea…of comfort.

These are my stories and I’m sipping them!